Workers' Rights

The worker has, under continued capitalist rule, continued to have their rights chipped away. When even piecemeal ideas, such as "the working class should be able to talk to the Government", are ripped apart, it's clear that this won't end without radical, comprehensive change. We have a right to work in a safe environmment, and a right to the fruits of our labour - let's start standing up for these rights before they're completely crushed underfoot!
- The ability for the working class to show solidarity amongst one another has been attacked, over and over again. Whether it be manipulation to blame all of our problems on a designated scapegoat, or making basic actions of solidarity illegal, it is time that the tide turned. We will start by, once again, repealing the ban on secondary action as part of new Trade Union and Labour Relations Legislation, empowering the working class in opposition to abuse and tyranny.
- There was not one aspect of 'TUFBRA' that was in any way redeemable. The legislation does nothing more than perfectly explain modern politics - the wealthiest make all the choices, whilst the voice of the working class is completely muzzled. We will repeal all aspects of the Trade Union Funding and Ballot Requirements Act, allowing for a political process that must at least acknowledge the working class, and removing draconian restrictions on the right to industrial action.
- When specific sectors are banned from striking, and other industrial action, those sectors suffer to no end, with insanities like pays being cut potentially in half for mental health counsellors in schools. We take the view that workers are all deserving of equal rights, and we will repeal sector-specific bans on industrial action, to ensure that equality is sealed in law.
- In order to improve workers rights in the interim, even whilst under the thumb of capitalism, we know that if we reinstate worker representation on company boards, the voices of the workers will be that much harder to ignore. This idea, used across the globe with strong effect, is the first step in ensuring safe working conditions, and the first step towards having a fairer pay packet.
Part of Reddit's /r/mhoc, and not an actual political party! Join us today - Debate, Legislate, Win!