Welfare and Taxation

There is perhaps nothing more damning of the Government we have struggled under than, when asked to choose between "tax cuts for the rich" and "not cutting NIT", the billionaire class got their way. Our welfare state has been stuck in reverse, and it's time that we bucked the trend, support basic human decency, and ensure that nobody has to suffer for lack of means.
- VAT, as with all flat taxes, hits the poorest the hardest. When you factor in costs already increasing as a result of the sudden hike in Carbon Taxation, we know that basic essentials may soon be priced out for many. Punishing the poor as a source of revenue remains cruel, and we will abolish VAT. Revenue will instead be focussed in Income Tax, rather than the stealth flat tax of VAT, whilst the consumption adjusting effects - such as VAT exemptions on Solar Panels to make them more attractive - will be replaced by alternative, non-punitive measures.
- In the average person's lifetime, even seeing one million pounds is a pipe dream at best. And yet, there's a class of people who will see that million pounds hundreds of times over, as if this is somehow natural. An oligarchy like this, with people born into power with no way to lose it, is no more than a monarchy without a crown... and both need overthrowing! We will begin with a wealth tax, targeting millionaire money hoarders, and we will also set inheritance tax is at a much more substantial level, ending a stranglehold on our economy.
- The justification for cutting Housing Benefit boiled down to 'it's your fault for being gentrified and priced out of your home'. Telling people on Housing Benefit that they should move somewhere else, as this Government did, is nothing short of being forced segregation, something outright terrifying. We will reverse cuts to Housing Benefit, and we make a promise to never use such horrifying language.
- We welcome that, as a result of the ill-conceived Triple Lock, Carbon Taxation has been raised to a level that is viable in slowing the flow of carbon into the air. However, with the motive here being purely to spin a profit, it is evident that the impact on the poorest has been ignored, intentionally or otherwise. With costs offset on the consumer, we will take a leaf from British Columbia, and introduce a Low Income Climate Action Tax Credit, providing a rebate to counteract the increased prices that will be present in supermarkets, especially in the short term adjustment period, using the funds raised through the carbon tax.
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