
There can only truly be justice when our society is no longer made up of slaves and masters, when we are working together as equals, rather than punished by rising inequality. Our legal system must, in order to push for true justice, change from being one that exacerbates equalities that already exist, to one that helps mend wounds and divisions in society.
- Facial recognition software represents an absolute invasion of our right to privacy, used almost entirely towards unscrupulous and evil ends, such as being used by totalitarian Governments to track political opponents and dissidents. We know that it is unreliable, and a prime example of 'techno-discrimination' as almost all such systems have, through machine learning, become racist and sexist. We will ban the usage of such software from the Police and the Government, and prevent the sale of such technology to other Governments, to protect ourselves from hammering the final nail into the coffin of privacy.
- There are many offenses that are correctly punished by fines in the UK, with some crimes not justifying serving prison time. This is a fundamentally sound notion, but it is inherently biased towards the rich and against the poor, so long as the fines remain flat. This creates what is effectively a different system based on income - where what we have deemed to be against the law is simply 'legal for the rich', whilst these same petty offenses for the poorest can leave people starving, lacking the money to pay for food. The obvious and the fair answer is pretty self explanatory, with all fines being levied proportionally, based on income.
- If you were looking for someone to fly a plane, you wouldn't just ask anyone, you would ask a pilot, someone who's trained to do exactly that - a key, critical job where lives are placed in their hands. And yet, our magistrates court does exactly that, with magistrates being unqualified, yet able to sentence people to jail time. Rather than give magistrates, a group which is almost entirely old and rich and biased as such, the ability to make life-changing decisions, we will instead abolish the Magistrates Court, instead relying upon qualified legal professionals in our courtrooms.
- Justice cannot truly be found so long as there is discrimination in our legal system, whether that be in our courts or from our police. We can tackle this by involving the local community in policing to a much greater extend, but we can also directly tackle this by removing the tools that are being used to perpetuate racism, such as by eliminating stop-and-search powers from the police, which are used almost exclusively to harass minority groups in broad daylight.
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