
Attacks on our NHS are, at this point, so common that it is weirder to imagine a week where the fundamental good of public healthcare isn't attacked, chipped away. Healthcare ultimately is something that we will all rely upon, which means we will all suffer unless the vultures that try to profit from illness and misfortune are removed from the system.
- The NHS's budget remains constantly shortchanged, with stories about A&E patients not even having food and water for over twenty four hours being depressingly commonplace. It is clear that our NHS is chronically underfunded, bleeding out through death by one thousand 'efficiency' cuts. In order to fund the needed staff recruitment and infrastructure for our hospitals, we will invest the £6bn needed to tackle the NHS's maintenance backlog bill, ensuring a proper quality of care in well maintained facilities.
- Of course, we also need to tackle the inevitable black hole of funding that has arisen in staffing costs. When our right-wing Government promised to give school counsellors a £10,000 pay cut, it took several days for them to finally create the excuse that they were only talking about "unqualified" counsellors, which was a bare-faced lie on several counts. We will reverse any cuts to staff wages that have been forced upon the NHS over it's never-ending parade of efficiency cuts.
- In order for our healthcare system to be public, it must be in a position to be held accountable. This means that we should not be dependent on charities to be providing the basic services, but instead moving these services to be managed by the public in the public good. To that end, whilst we are incredibly thankful to those charities which have provided these services to date and will work to keep jobs with the same people, we will bring the training of service animals under the NHS umbrella, as a means to providing this medically essential service in an accountable manner.
- It is essential that our NHS can continue to maintain best practice, whether that be through funding training opportunities, or fixing problems as they arise. This requires a cultural shift towards openness, and a willingness to raise problems without fear. We will enhance whistle-blower protections to allow for this cultural shift, whilst working with NHS trusts to determine the training opportunities that are most needed.
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