
We can no longer afford to maintain the husk of an economy that rewards greed at it's core, that advocates for theft, cheating, and establishing oligarchies. If we - the people and the planet - are to survive, then we must free ourselves from the chains of capitalism, before it destroys all that we have worked to obtain!
- The only human economy is one where the workers have a stake in their work. This means moving away from capitalist business models, and towards worker co-operatives such as Mondragon - and we know this works, because if it didn't the capitalist class wouldn't go into hysterics over anything resembling support for such models. We will re-introduce support for co-operative business models, providing a ground from which to transform our economy to one that is in touch with workers and local communities, an economy that works for all.
- In order for communities to be invested in their economy, to feel a part of it, you need local production, and the profits to remain within the local community. Without this, communities will only continue to feel more and more isolated, as their works seems to boil down to funding a yacht for a billionaire somewhere on the other side of the planet. We will implement the Preston Model across the UK, supporting local economies and communities by sourcing services locally wherever possible.
- It is dire that we regularly can find situations where one person is having to work two jobs to make ends meet, whilst their neighbour is out of work due to a lack of work available. This madness will only be compounded by a wave of incoming automation and the Budget's cut to NIT. Not only will we ensure that people will no longer need to be working two jobs to survive, through a proper welfare safety net and a move towards a four-day working week, but we will also provide an employer of last resort, ensuring that those who wish to be in employment will always be able to be so.
- Nothing has changed to indicate that GDP Growth is still a competent measure of anything other than how much the bourgeoisie is successfully exploiting the planet's finite resources and the labour of the working class for their own benefit. We will ensure that alternative measures, such as GNH and Adjusted GDP are published to provide a broader understanding of how our economy is truly serving society - as opposed to society serving our economy.
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