Culture and Media

Our culture acts as the fabric of our lives, the common thread that helps bind our communities together, giving our lives more purpose than simply being cogs in the machine. In an era where our culture is seen as less important than ever, we will fight to preserve our shared history and community.
- Language is key to our culture, in the way that it influences the very way in which we think. Attempting to suppress or deny these languages right to exist is how we destroy cultures - it's when we accept and protect these languages, nurture them back to strength in usage, that we see our culture thrive. We will expand recognition of UK minority languages to the full status under the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages, alongside all the protections that ensues.
- Media monopolies take a stranglehold of our culture and ability to learn, warping our view of the world. After all, it is hard to speak truth to power, when attempting to publish the truth would result in being fired and alienated from your career. We will break up media monopolies, providing a framework for smaller, worker owned newspapers and media sources to be able to thrive.
- Sports in which animals are used for our entertainment are cruel, both in terms of the injuries sustained by animals throughout, and the harsh training and abuse the animals suffer prior. Destroying lives for petty amusement stands directly opposed to both socialist and humanitarian principles, and we will ban all animal based sports, such as horse- and greyhound-racing.
- Across modern society, fueled by the capitalist demands for productivity, there is a notion that 'STEM' topics such as Maths and Engineering are vastly more important than the Arts. This was perhaps most effectively demonstrated when the budget completely cut Museum funding in order to lie about having a surplus. A life without art is one where there is no Shakespeare, no Beatles, no Dickens, a life of drudgery. No more must we settle for this, as we will reinstate museum funding and also invest directly into the arts, allowing for a sustainable and growing cultural output.
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