The Climate Crisis

Attempting to tackle the Climate Crisis from within the framework of capitalism is somewhat like trying to extinguish a house fire by pouring petrol on it - impossible, foolish, and liable to only make things worse for everyone involved. This is to be expected, as capitalism bases its success on it's ability to produce more and more, which translates to 'use as many finite resources as quickly as possible'. As such, in tackling the Climate Crisis we set the baseline target of 'end an economy of greed and growth', and develop from there.
- Continuing to pump greenhouse gases into the air for the sake of generating electricity, after the masses of technological advances is an act of suicide by any other name. We will aim bold, aim for 100% Renewable Energy Usage by 2025 - and, more importantly, with the policy proposals to make it so. And we will be fighting to ensure that it is truly renewable sources that are highlighted, not the false renewable and massive cost sink that nuclear power proposes.
- Aiming for renewables means taking rather direct action - as opposed to simply stepping back and saying that would be good. In order to make abundant use of Britain's most reliable source of renewable power, we will be directly establishing publicly-owned Wind Turbine farms across the UK, assisting in meeting our targets whilst providing directly accountable energy, which can be compounded with a new national energy strategy for the UK.
- Whilst individual actions are not a valid long-term solution to tackling climate change, those who wish to play their part regardless are locked in a catch twenty two. Either they eat low carbon foods, which require importing and thus have a large carbon footprint there... or they can eat local, but high carbon foods. Neither of these solutions makes for a viable low carbon diet, let alone one that's affordable for the majority of the population. The only way we can have Britain move towards a lower-carbon diet is to establish local farming of low-carbon foods, which not only lowers our carbon footprint, but grants more power to the local community.
- Deforestation is a major threat to our ecosystem, and is perhaps most prevalent in the Amazon, which has been set on fire to clear space for the massive greenhouse gas producer of cattle farming. Beyond being illegal, this has been devastating to indigenous groups in the Amazon, who have been fighting tooth and nail to oppose further destruction of the lungs of our world. In order to support anti-deforestation efforts, we will provide direct financial aid to these indigenous groups, so that they can continue their fight for our planet.
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