Welfare and Economy

A True Working Class Budget

We have seen it time and time again in budgets - the Conservatives propose a buddget of insanity and terror, before Liberals pitch it against a 'lesser evil' budget that is still devastating to the working classes - and we're suppossed to accept that this somehow is an improvement, as the lives of the working class are crushed in the name of giving billionaires their bonuses. We will fight for a budget that truly liberates the working class, the vast majority of Britain, and we will not let our country be blackmailed by capitalists.

Solidarity Funds

Fundamentally, we need a plan to take power away form those who do nothing but idle and bask in their wealth, and towards the working class. The establishment of a Worker's Solidarity Fund provides a basis to transfer shares, over time, to a fund owned by the workers, and used for the workers.

Workplace Democracy

As well as providing workers a voice by liberating Unions to have a purpose once again, we will require that for larger companies, there will be a body of workers that alongside company management will determine workplace policy. This will ensure that worker's rights are being protected, and has repeatedly been shown to bolster performance and profits at the same time.

Fighting Greed Head-On

Greed is not good - when we are in the era of workers barely scraping by, the fact that billionaires seem to treat their wealth as a game - getting a high score - should be sickening. We will place an absolute cap on annual earnings, so that no one man can be allowed to behave like the dragon protecting a hoard of gold coins.

Ending a de-facto Oligarchy

Capitalism fundamentally behaves like a monarchy - unelected people born to immense power, with no chance of those outside the system being allowed in. The only thing lacking are the frilly hats and fancy titles, truly! A constant cycle of inheriting wealth will be broken by The People's Movement through a fit and proper inheritance tax, ensuring that wealth is not hoarded, without targetting the families of the working class.

Protecting Worker's Wages

Many of us have built up our lives on the basis of having consistent work, consistent income, and budgeting well within our means. However, this means very few of us are capable of weathering the storm against a sudden job loss. The People's Movement will establish a 'wage guarentee', ensuring that those who suffer job loss have a continued income for the period afterwards, preventing sudden problems that are outside their control.

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