Local Government

Ensuring Fair Local Elections

It is important that local government boundaries are reviewed often, to ensure that the boundaries of districts represent where people live and how they move on the ground. Therefore, the People's Movement supports reviews of local government boundaries between every election cycle.

A Simplified System

Current local government structure in England is confusing, archaic, and downright byzantine. The People's Movement will simplify and regularise local government in England while listening to local communities.

Proportionality, at all levels

The people of any area, parish, district, county, or country, cannot be fairly and effectively represented under First Past the Post. The People's Movement will abolish FPTP in local councils and ensure that Proportional Representation for everyone is guaranteed.

A Shared Workload

Right now, local councillors are overworked and can't realistically deal with the amount of work that being a councillor requires. The People's Movement supports a universal trebling of local councillors, ensuring councillor/resident rates are more in line with the rest of Europe and easing the burden on local councillors.

More Open Elections

A great deal of countries worldwide, including Australia, Denmark, Aotearoa, Norway, Sweden, and Scotland in local elections, release election results per polling district. To enhance election transparency, the People's Movement supports adopting this system of releasing election results.

Proper Consultation

Local residents are the most important people to consult when changing local government boundaries. The People's Movement will ensure that residents are consulted fairly on local boundary and name changes, and that the proposals are regularly publicised while consultation is ongoing.

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