
Rehabilitation First

The view of prison as a place of punishment and toil is an antiquated view that refuses to grasp the very real need for rehabilitation, and has contributed to an unnessecary amount of people in prison for non-violent offences. The People's Movement will review modernisation of the prison system and look towards a program of decarceration and reintegration for many nonviolent offenders.

Seeking the Truth

The right to silence and right to a defence are fundamental parts of our legal system, but the adversarial system makes for an inefficient, dirty, and often wrong system of delivering justice. The People's Movement supports maintaining defenders and the right to silence, while moving the justice system away from adversarialism and towards inquisitorialism, with an emphasis on finding the truth over legal 'victories'.

Right to Remain Silent

Speaking of the right to silence, nobody should be forced to say anything they want to keep private, forced to actively violate their own privacy. This is simply cruel, and it is why the People's Movement support reforming the right to silence to be absolute in all aspects - rather than the current 'Right to silence except when we say otherwise'.

An End To Injust Stop-And-Searchy

Stop and search is a racist, overused, discriminatory and fundamentally flawed part of British policing. Statistics show that Black people are up to fourty-seven times more likely to be stopped than white people under stop and search powers. This is institutional racism. The People's Movement will abolish stop and search once and for all.

An End to the Magistrates Court

Decisions made by the Magistrates' Courts can have lifelong impacts, resulting in pain and misery for many people - and yet the people who make these decisions have often never served in any other legal capacity and are almost entirely old and white - with less than 6% of magistrates under the age of 40 and less than 8% identifying as BAME. The People's Movement will abolish the often-biased and inexpert Magistrates' Court, replacing them with qualified legal professionals.h

Ending the Portsmouth Defence

The fact that the Portsmouth defence, the idea that your homophobia or transphobia should somehow exempt you from heinous crimes such as murder, has not been completely and utterly removed from the system of justice is abhorrent, and The People's Movement will ensure that such defenses are completely banned, and not just 'suggested to ignore'.

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