
Open Borders Now

If the principles of universal human rights and liberty are to be respected, this fundamentally means accepting the notion that people are free to migrate wherever they wish, and that borders are themselves arbitrary creations of previous governments that were frequently undemocratic and separated from the people affected by them. Add the legacy of British imperialism in creating these arbitrary borders, and one clearly sees a reparative obligation for all peoples to enter and contribute to our society that was built on the labour and exploitation of those peoples.

Right To Work

The status quo on asylum seekers is simply brutal. These people fleeing persecution and oppression from brutal regimes aren't even being given a stipend equivalent to the minimum wage, while being unable to work at the same time. Asylum seekers often go from oppressed in one country to virtually prisoners in this one. It's not okay. The People's Movement will make the entire process more humane.

Providing Safety

The People's Movement supports automatic British citizenship being granted by the relevant Secretary to ethnic groups and peoples who are undergoing genocide and/or ethnic cleansing, such as the Uyghur or Karen peoples. This will ensure that recourse towards the states that routinely and brutally oppress these peoples is a viable option.

Preparing for Climate Refugees

In the status quo, the UN does not recognise those displaced by the impacts of climate change as refugees. This is a mistake, and TPM in government would push for the UN to adjust this definition, as well as apply the recognition that millions of people will ultimately become climate refugees in government policy. It is a failure of governments across the world to allow for this displacement to happen, and a further failure to not prepare for its impacts. TPM will both ensure climate refugees have safe homes in the United Kingdom, and push for governments across the world to focus more accomodating climate refugees and working to mitigate and reverse the harms of climate change.

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