Foreign Affairs and Defence

No Longer Turning a Blind Eye

In 1945, we said "Never Again." And then, we looked past the genocide in Rwanda. We looked past the genocide in Myanmar. We looked past the genocide in Sudan, and in Paraguay, and in Guatemala, and in Burundi, Iraq, Somalia, Uganda, Bangladesh, West Papua. We must not let another genocide pass by without doing anything. The UK must take all available diplomatic measures to stop the genocide in East Turkestan. It is already happening - we must stop it before it progresses to wholesale slaughter.

An End to the Nuclear Era

The notion that mutually assured destruction is a viable method for peace is dependent on the whitewashing of historic close calls and the closing of one's eyes to global nuclear brinksmanship. Deterrence theory is predicated ultimately on the false idea that being nukes warrants a response that guarantees the deaths of billions, many of whom had no choice in the government that conducted such a first strike. A TPM government will enter negotiations with nuclear powers with a view to total mutual disarmament.

Seeking Global Equality

While billionaires sit in their ivory towers, funding playtime rockets and shitposting on Twitter, tens of millions of children live in deadly poverty, without access to clean drinking water, without access to basic medical necessities, and without education. The People's Movement will ensure aid funding is raised to at least 2% of GDP, ensuring that Britain does our part to alleviate the capitalistic burden of poverty.

Supporting Self-Determination

The People's Movement has been a constant supporter of the right to self-determination, and we will directly support such efforts across the globe, such as the effort in Taiwan. We will also work with nations who are in the process of becoming independent, such as Bougainville, to help make that transition cleanly.

Fixing Past Mistakes

It is paramount that Britain recognise its history as an imperialist, colonialist, genocidal, warmongering state that destroyed the languages, culture, heritage, and lives of so many peoples. The People's Movement recognises the great horror that the Brits wrought on the indigenous peoples of the world, and will seek to atone for this great injustice by providing reparations for former colonies, from Aotearoa to Mi'kma'ki, conditional on the fair distribution of said reparations for public benefit.

International Agreements

It is crucial that international charters and agreements, from Climate agreements to agreements on free movement, are fully incorporated into domestic UK law for the purpose of ensuring full compliance and judicial oversight.

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