
Protecting the Disabled

Disabled people face marginalisation and abuse by the unfeeling, uncaring, profit-desiring capitalistic society created and upheld by the British state and its Governments. The People's Movement will ensure disabled people have the protections and benefits they deserve, and that such basic human dignities as public toilets are accessible for disabled people.

Balancing The Scales

Students from poor and ethnic minority communities are routinely underrepresented at top placing universities due to lack of opportunity reinforced by systemic racism. The People's Movement will ensure places for students from minority communities at top universitiers to combat this inequality.

Ensuring Wage Equality

The People's Movement will institute quartile wage reporting requirements for all companies above a certain size, broken down by gender identification and BAME identity. To protect the anonymity of the individuals in the company, there will be an obfuscation of data in the case that the number of employees is below a certain number.

Fighting Gentrification

Gentrification is the process of making housing more appealing to middle-class white people by pricing out poorer people from an area, especially BAME people. The fact that it's fundamentally evil is indisputable, as it completely devastates communities. To tackle this act of war in the long term means removing the power of capital to do exactly what it is doing, but in the interim the solution of requiring sufficient levels of affordable housing across all our communities will go a long way towards preventing this evil.

Safeguarding Languages

The European Charter of Regional and Minority Languages, first ratified in the early 2000s, must be fully respected and wholly incorporated into UK law. The People's Movement will ensure that it is respected for every language the Charter applies to.

Protecting Religious Beliefs

For the past five years, Jewish communities in the UK have been unable to eat locally-sourced meat due to the UKIP-imposed ban on shechita. This has created an environment where Jewish people have not been able to eat meat unless it was imported from a country where shechita is legal. This both drives up prices for the Jewish consumer, sometimes referred to as the "Jew Tax", and contributes to a worsening carbon issue in food imports. The People's Movement will repeal the ban on shechita, making sure Jews don't have to pay unfair prices to eat meat.

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