Climate Crisis

Proper Targets
Time and time again, 'Climate Change Targets' are treated as a can to be kicked down the road. Enough! We will work towards a goal that acknowledges the urgency of the Climate Crisis, 100% renewable power generation by 2025, aiming to become a 'carbon sink' nation that takes climate change seriously.
No More Domestic Flights
Flights from an island to the same island should never be needed in a competent system, creating an excess of pollution for no reason. We will outright ban such flights, and we will also invest in electric flights for places where flights are essential, such as Scilly, Orkney, Shetland, and the Western Isles.
Working Across the Globe
The nations of Norway and Liberia entered into a bilateral commitment six years ago to end logging in Liberia in return for investment into rural Liberian communities. The People's Movement wants to see Britain do the same, to ensure biodiversity is protected and the lungs of the world can continue breathing.
Providing a Planet for our Future
Nations along the Sahel have found great success with the African Union-led Great Green Wall project, aimed at reversing desertification across the Sahel. Britain should do more to assist and fund nations combating desertification and rising sea levels, and the People's Movement will ensure we do.
A Carbon Tax aimed at the Polluter
Carbon Taxation should be seen not as a way for the Government to make a quick buck, but as an essential tool in lowering carbon usage. The People's Movement will adjust to a fee-and-dividend model of carbon taxation, which maintains the aspects of lowering carbon pollution, without the negative repurcussions on the poorest - who should not be punished for large corporations trying to destroy the planet.
A Low-Carbon Diet
It is a sad state of affairs when our dietary choices, for those wanting to minimise their carbon footprint, are limited to either "imported by polluting boat" or "not imported, but high carbon". Whilst we don't want to eliminate meat outright from diets, we must certainly reduce the amount we consume, whilst ensuring that this remains feasible on all budgets. To that end, we will establish research into low-carbon food production in the UK, ensuring that through local production people are not presented the choice between "low cost" and "low carbon".
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